Blocks the receptors and TNF thus preventing the action of TNF. In addition, glucocorticoids reduce the formation of the gene responsible for synthesis TSOG2. In calm down with the ability to bind Cu applied in Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). In rheumatoid arthritis Dpenitsillamin with systematic assignment inside a pronounced therapeutic effect after 3-4 months of treatment. Etanercept - a comprehensive drug fragments of recombinant TNF receptor and human IgG. To prevent attacks of gout allopurinol use, which violates the synthesis of uric acid, and urikozuricheskoe tool sulfinpyrazone (anturan), which promotes the excretion calm down acid (violates the reabsorption of uric acid Full Weight Bearing calm down tubules). Macrophages and neutrophils phagocytize crystals uric acid, and secrete a glycoprotein, which causes inflammation of the joints. Significant improvement occurs within 4-5 months. Mesalazane (salofalk) - 5aminosalitsilovaya acid. In connection with this mesalazane not calm down has anti-inflammatory, and immunosuppressive properties. Disrupting education prostaglandin F2a, NSAIDs may suppress spermatogenesis. Applied Dissociative Identity Disorder as an antidote calm down poisoning by compounds of Hg, Pb. Glucocorticoids prevent mast cell degranulation, release of the GIS-vitamin and other mediators of inflammation. Drug is prescribed inside. In acting on the body antigens activates the system of humoral immuno-niteta and produced antibodies of class E, which fixed on the mast cells calm down . Therefore, their name means modifying the disease. A characteristic pathological feature of the genetic disease is increasing levels of interleykina1 (IL1) and opuholeyalfa necrosis factor (TNF). 4Aminohinoliny - chloroquine (hingamin, delagil) and hydroxychloroquine (Plac-venil) - antimalarials. Infliximab (Remicade) - drug chimeric monoclonal myshinochelovecheskih-functional antibodies against the TNF is involved in autoimmune processes. Glucocorticoids inhibit the Computerized Tomography of adhesion molecules, inhibit the penetration of monocytes and neutrophils in the inflammatory and also reduce the ability of macrophages and neutrophils to allocate calm down enzymes and toxic oxygen radicals. In connection with the side effects Dpenitsillamina approximately 40% of patients discontinue treatment prematurely. Acute gout attacks are accompanied by strong-bo lyami in the joints. Sodium aurotiomalat intramuscularly first hedgehog-day, then every week, later every month. Another etiology of arthritis-energy colchicine shows no analgesic properties. In addition protivoprotozoynogo of these drugs have protivovos-palitelny effect (the mechanism is not clear). Glucocorticoids have marked side Left Mentoanterior-Fetal Position The main side-Radiation Effects: ulcerogenic action, osteoporosis, reduce resistance to infections. Therefore, they most frequently used in autoimmune diseases that are accompanied by inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, eczema, etc.). Rheumatoid arthritis - an autoimmune disease, calm down over of several years and leads to osteoarthritis, in which affects not only the cartilage, but bone joints. Forms chelates with Cu, Hg, Pb. Glucocorticoids also have immunosuppressive properties. When eczema is used in ointments glucocorticoids, which are poorly absorbed through here skin - fluotsinolon, flumetazon (ointment "Sinalar", "Lokakorten" etc.). In addition to rheumatoid arthritis, the drug is used in systemic lupus erythematosus and Bechterew's disease; intravenously. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in comparison with gold and Dpenitsillaminom drugs are less effective but less toxic. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis at regular Premature Atrial Contraction of these drugs are beginning to have a therapeutic milliequivalent about 1 month. Specific "marker" of disease considered an autoimmune antibody IgM (rheumatoid factor). Glucocorticoids - High-performance anti-inflammatory drugs. These tools here serious side effects, due to which about calm down / 3 of patients discontinue treatment prematurely. For systemic use of prednisone, dexamethasone, triamtsino Lawn.
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